Hi there, if we haven’t officially met, my name is Coach Tina, and I am a personal trainer here at SoFit SoCal. I look forward to informing you about specific topics in the upcoming blogs such as box breathing, macronutrients, and much more. That being stated, here is my story of why I got into fitness.
I officially started getting into fitness after COVID hit. Prior to the pandemic, I was very active, but did not have a solid understanding of what nutrition, active rest days, etc. looked like. That said, when COVID hit, it completely shocked my body. I was no longer moving as much, and my diet worsened from mainly consuming canned foods. Thus, I started gaining weight. From there, my self-confidence declined significantly as well as my relationship with food. When I realized enough was enough, I began working out. Initially, I began by watching workout videos from personal trainers on YouTube. However, as the virus started calming down, I decided to return back to practicing MMA. After a couple months of practicing MMA and watching workout videos, my coach offered me a position that involved coaching and conditioning. From there, a passion for coaching and helping people bloomed. Granted I wasn’t a certified personal trainer at the time, it was still amazing witnessing the growth I saw in people. When I realized this, I decided to get certified to ensure that I can guide people to achieve their goals and discover their potential to the best of my ability.
When I decided to get back into fitness, the physical aspect of it was the somewhat easy part. The hard part for me personally was nutrition. My weight would constantly fluctuate as well as my relationship with food. On some days, I felt okay, whereas other days, I felt somewhat obsessive about what I was eating. When I realized this pattern, I decided to do more research about nutrition. As I dove deep into the wonders of nutrition and how it affects the body, I realized another passion had bloomed. Jump forward a couple of years later, I am now going to school in hopes to become a dietitian to help others maintain a healthy relationship with food.
First off, thank you for reading that. I understand that the whole fitness world along with nutrition and wellness can be scary for some. But I hope that this blog can ease off that fear a little bit and provide some comfort within the fitness world. Not only that, but I hope this blog can broaden your knowledge of what fitness (along w/nutrition & wellness) truly looks like.